Well Tuesday was the day. I climbed a 60 foot tower to take it down for the home owner. This wasn’t the first time I climbed a tower but the first one I took one down.

We made it to the property a little after 9 am and after a good safety meeting I harness up and about 9:45 I started up. It had three antennas that once was used for a Wireless Internet Provider in the area but after their local electric company brought Fiber internet to their area, everyone ditch the wireless leaving this tower an other unused. Little by little I sent down each section of the tower till about 4 PM when the last section was loaded in the trailer followed by some cleanup. I had one other HAM, my brother, a friend from my preparedness MAG and my beautiful wife there as our Safety Observer in case we needed to call 9-1-1. Thankfully that wasn’t needed and I came down without a scratch.

Even though is was only 77 degrees, I sweated so much my clothes were soaked.

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Tower is Up

After a lot of digging and some crazy times, It’s up! Still looking for 2 or 3 more sections to add to it so I can be above the trees